We are now on VIMEO! mentalhealthuprisingridingthewavesofresilience.vhx.tv

Listen to our Podcasts in Spotify! podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/mentalhealthuprising


Part 1: Introduction to PTSD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Major Depressive Disorder: 

  • Learn how to identify symptoms of PTSD, Anxiety, and Depression.
  • Learn why these disorders often present together and how they interact.
  • Learn strategies that make these unwelcome houseguests less comfortable.
  • Here’s hope for your present and future as you make space to shine through.
  • Defining your life more by healthy variables, less by mental health labels.


Self-Harm Strategies:

  • Understanding the Underlying Causes: Dive deep into the psychological factors and triggers leading to self-harm, fostering a comprehensive understanding beyond the surface.
  • Developing Safe Coping Mechanisms: Learn practical, safe alternatives to self-harm that can be used during moments of distress, aimed at reducing harm and promoting healing.
  • Community and Support: Highlight the importance of community and professional support in the journey toward healing.
  • Empowerment through Education: Empower participants with knowledge to understand self-harm from a place of compassion and empathy, promoting self-awareness and healing.


Part 2: A deep dive into PTSD, its original purpose, and its lingering effects

- Learn the lifesaving reasons why we first develop early symptoms of PTSD

- Understand the physiology, thinking, behaviors, and feelings of PTSD

- Develop insight into a myriad of treatment strategies that can make a difference and help with this unwelcome houseguest

- Plot your path forward with healthy alternatives to current symptoms